Omega 3 and omega 6 in the natural diet
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Omega 3 and omega 6 in the natural diet

In today’s blog we are going to share with you one of our favorite recipes that provides numerous benefits. Omegas 3 and 6 are what we call essential fatty acids. Our dogs’ organism cannot produce these acids, and that is why it is important that we introduce them in their diet.

As a general rule, processed feeds lack these essential acids, and we can even see symptoms in our dogs due to their insufficiency. A dog fed on cereals will be very predisposed to suffer allergies and intolerances, dermatitis, canine alopecia and/or joint pains. However, the one that is nourished with a natural diet such as Bon Appetreat’s, will present positive health effects due to the fact that its feeding is based on real cooked food.

What happens when my dog is deficient in omegas?

Normally, the dogs most in need of these omegas would be puppies, senior dogs, those suffering from allergies, skin or hair problems, joint problems or those dogs recovering from injuries.

Here are the most frequent symptoms of omega deficiency:

Lethargy: tiredness, our dog will not be very energetic.

Pain in the joints: when our dog jumps or makes an overexertion and complains.

Dull coat and alopecia: when his coat is rough, brittle and dull. Some show excessive hair loss and even clapping.

Brittle nails: nails break easily.

Flaking: the skin may be dry, scaly or have seborrhea.

Continuous scratching: the skin will not be hydrated, it will be itchy. This is worse when the dog is allergic.

Many of these symptoms can go unnoticed, or we can even attribute them to other factors, but we must remember that their food is their medicine, so these aspects are very important to take into account.

Benefits for our dogs

Here are the main benefits of these essential acids:

Great natural antioxidant: antioxidants would have a great anti-inflammatory power that could become beneficial to fight some diseases.

They promote heart health.

They help to keep their nervous system stable: interesting for puppies and senior dogs.

Contain DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which contributes to brain development: this is very important for puppies, because it promotes optimal neuronal development. Pregnant and lactating bitches can also benefit from this fact.

How do we incorporate them into their diet?

Omega 3 is present in many fish oils, such as 100% natural cold-pressed salmon oil or cod liver oil, a natural source rich in EPA and DHA, which are fatty acids present in these fish.

Foods rich in Omega 3:

Salmon: has a high amount of omega 3

Sardines: it is very interesting to introduce blue fish in their diet, such as dried fish snacks, sardines in oil (in moderation, depending on the weight of the dog).

Foods rich in Omega 6:

Vegetable oils: olive oil or coconut oil.

Egg yolk.

We want to emphasize the importance of the presence of these essential acids in the natural diet of our furry ones, although we must take into account that the amount of omega 3 fatty acids included in the diet of a dog should not be excessive, even more so if our dog is overweight, since they are also rich in proteins.

For any questions regarding omega 3 and omega 6 essential acids, the Bon Appetreat nutritionist team is at your disposal.